17th International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL) 2020


The schedule for QPL20 is as follows. You can also consult MFPS schedule here.

For convenience, here is a playlist of talks that are currently hooked-up, ordered chronologically.


(24 hour clock)

Tue 02/06

Wed 03/06

Thu 04/06

Fri 05/06

Sat 06/06

10.00 - 11.00

Plenary speaker #1

Lídia del Rio

Plenary speaker #2

John Selby

Plenary speaker #3

Alexandre Miquel

Plenary speaker #4

Cyril Branciard

Plenary speaker #5

Quanlong Wang

11.00 - 11.30

11.30 - 13.00

Session #1


Session #4



joint session

Session #10

QC 1

Session #13

ZX 1

13.00 - 14.30

14.30 - 16.00

Session #2


Session #5


Session #8


Session #11

QC 2

Session #14


16.00 - 16.30

16.30 - 18.00

Session #3


Session #6


Session #9


Session #12


Session #15

ZX 2

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10:00 - 11:00 Plenary Speaker #1 Chair: Pablo Arrighi

Lídia del Rio. Contextuality without access to a tomographically complete set #qpl-plenary1-delrio youtube link

Joint work with Matthew F. Pusey and Bettina Meyer, arXiv:1904.08699.

The non-classicality of single quantum systems can be formalised using the notion of contextuality. But can contextuality be convincingly demonstrated in an experiment, without reference to the quantum formalism? The operational approach to contextuality due to Spekkens requires finding operationally equivalent preparation procedures. Previously these have been obtained by demanding indistinguishability under a set of measurements taken to be tomographically complete. In the language of generalised probability theories, this requires the ability to explore all the dimensions of the system's state space. However, if the true tomographically complete set is larger than the set assumed, the extra measurements could break the operational equivalences and hence eliminate the putative contextuality. Such extra dimensions could arise in post-quantum theories, but even if quantum theory is exact there can be unexpected degrees of freedoms due to imperfections in an experiment. Here we design tests of contextuality that are immune to this effect for a given number of extra measurements in the tomographically complete set, even if nothing is known about their statistics. This allows contextuality to be demonstrated with weaker assumptions.

11:30 - 13:00 Session #1 (Causality) Chair: Pablo Arrighi
Ämin Baumeler and Eleftherios Tselentis. Equivalence of grandfather and information antinomy under intervention #qpl-session01-talk1-tselentis youtube link pdf
Timothée Hoffreumon and Ognyan Oreshkov. The multi-round process matrix #qpl-session01-talk2-hoffreumon youtube link pdf
V. Vilasini, Lídia Del Rio and Renato Renner. Causality in definite and indefinite space-times #qpl-session01-talk3-vilasini youtube link pdf
14:30 - 16:00 Session #2 (Games) Chair: Benoît Valiron
Pierre-Emmanuel Emeriau, Mark Howard and Shane Mansfield. The Torpedo Game: Quantum Advantage, Wigner Negativity, and Sequential Contextuality in a Generalised Random Access Code #qpl-session02-talk1-emeriau youtube link pdf
Sebastian Horvat and Borivoje Dakić. Interference as an information-theoretic game #qpl-session02-talk2-horvat youtube link pdf
Shiv Akshar Yadavalli and Ravi Kunjwal. Contextual advantage for noisy one-shot classical communication assisted by entanglement #qpl-session02-talk3-yadavalli youtube link pdf
16:30 - 18:00 Session #3 (Foundations) Chair: Shane Mansfield
Ana Belén Sainz, Matthew Hoban, Paul Skrzypczyk and Leandro Aolita. Bipartite post-quantum steering in generalised scenarios #qpl-session03-talk1-sainz youtube link pdf
David Schmid, Denis Rosset and Francesco Buscemi. Quantifying Bell nonclassicality across arbitrary resource types #qpl-session03-talk2-schmid youtube link pdf
Lorenzo Catani and Matthew Leifer. A mathematical framework for operational fine tunings #qpl-session03-talk3-catani youtube link pdf
10:00 - 11:00 Plenary Speaker #2 Chair: Benoît Valiron

John Selby. Unscrambling the Quantum Omelette #qpl-plenary3-selby youtube link

In this talk I will introduce some recent work I've been doing with David Schmid and Rob Spekkens in which we introduce a framework for describing general physical theories. Yes, another one, so, why should you care? Three reasons: i) its about omelettes and the talk is in the breakfast slot (there's a prize for whoever cooks the best omelette during the talk) ii) its full of diagrams but now with two arrows to argue about the direction of (note that the correct way is causal arrow bottom ⟶ top, inferential arrow left ⟶ right) iii) it provides insight into the nonclassicality of Nature and how to disentangle notions of causation and inference in quantum theory

11:30 - 13:00 Session #4 (GPT 1) Chair: Ana Belén Sainz
Thomas Galley and Lluis Masanes. How dynamics constrains probabilities in general probabilistic theories #qpl-session04-talk1-galley youtube link pdf
Hlér Kristjánsson, Sina Salek, Daniel Ebler, Matthew Wilson and Giulio Chiribella. Resource theories of communication with quantum superpositions of processes #qpl-session04-talk2-kristjansson youtube link pdf
James Hefford and Stefano Gogioso. Hyper-decoherence in Density Hypercubes #qpl-session04-talk3-hefford youtube link pdf
14:30 - 16:00 Session #5 (GPT +) Chair: Matty Hoban
Nicola Pinzani and Stefano Gogioso. Giving Operational Meaning to the Superposition of Causal Orders #qpl-session05-talk1-pinzani youtube link pdf
Matthew Wilson and Giulio Chiribella. A Diagrammatic Approach to Information Transmission in Generalised Switches #qpl-session05-talk2-wilson youtube link pdf
Bob Coecke and Konstantinos Meichanetzidis. Meaning updating of density matrices #qpl-session05-talk3-coecke youtube link to Bob's VERY LIVE talk pdf
16:30 - 18:00 Session #6 (NLP) Chair: Aleks Kissinger
Adriana Correia, Henk Stoof and Michael Moortgat. Putting a Spin on Language: A Quantum Interpretation of Unary Connectives for Linguistic Applications #qpl-session06-talk1-correia youtube link pdf
Sanjaye Ramgoolam, Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh and Lewis Sword. Gaussianity and typicality in matrix distributional semantics #qpl-session06-talk2-ramgoolam youtube link pdf
Konstantinos Meichanetzidis, Stefano Gogioso, Nicolò Chiappori, Giovanni De Felice, Alexis Toumi and Bob Coecke. QNLP on Near-Term Quantum Computers #qpl-session06-talk3-meichanetzidis youtube link pdf
10:00 - 11:00 QPL/MFPS 2020 Joint Plenary Speaker Chair: Aleks Kissinger
Alexandre Miquel. Realizability for designing type systems #joint-session-plenary-miquel youtube link
11:30 - 13:00 QPL/MFPS 2020 Joint Session Chair: Aleks Kissinger

Pierre Clairambault. Quantum Game Semantics #joint-session-talk1-clairambault youtube link

In recent work, we have developed a setting for game semantics for quantum programming languages, focusing in particular on Selinger and Valiron's quantum lambda-calculus, a simply-typed lambda-calculus augmented with primitives for manipulating quantum data. With de Visme and Winskel, we have constructed an adequate games model of the quantum lambda-calculus. Subsequently, with de Visme we proved that (a quotient of) the model is fully abstract and linked it with Pagani, Selinger and Valiron's 2014 denotational model for the quantum lambda-calculus -- establishing that this model was fully abstract, too.

In this talk, I will give a synthetic presentation of this line of work.

Firstly, I will present (a simplified version) of our game semantics for the quantum lambda-calculus, obtained by enriching game semantics for a classical call-by-value lambda-calculus with weights taken from the category of finite dimensional Hilbert spaces and completely positive maps.

Then, time permitting I will present some of the steps required to prove full abstraction for the quantum lambda-calculus, drawing inspiration from the proof method behind Ehrhard, Pagani and Tasson's result that probabilistic coherence spaces are fully abstract for probabilistic PCF.


Claudia Faggian. Parallelism and Asymptotic Computation. On the operational theory of probabilistic and quantum higher-order computation. #joint-session-talk2-faggian youtube link

We revisit two recent approaches to modeling probabilistic and quantum higher-order computation in a setting which allows for parallelism, via Geometry of Interaction and via λ-calculus. Two difficulties arise when evaluation is not sequential, one related with confluence, the other with the fact that the computation is not finitary, as the result of computation appears as a limit.

We propose a general setting and tools to deal with these challenges.

One observation underlie this talk. On the one hand, higher-order functional programs are inherently parallel, and λ-calculus has a rich operational theory which supports program transformations, optimizations, and parallel or distributed implementation. On the other hand, the operational theory of probabilistic and quantum computation is much less understood.


Vladimir Zamdzhiev. Inductive and Recursive Types for Quantum Programming #joint-session-talk3-zamdzhiev youtube link

Inductive data types in a programming language allow users to define useful data structures  such as natural numbers, lists, trees and others. Recursive types provide a greater range of admissible type expressions in higher-order languages and they can be used to implement lazy data types (such as streams) and even term-level recursion in call-by-value languages. In this talk I will discuss both inductive and recursive types in the context of quantum programming with a focus on their operational and denotational semantics.

14:30 - 16:00 Session #8 (Logic) Chair: Alejandro Díaz-Caro
Masanao Ozawa. Quantum Set Theories Satisfying Both the Transfer Principle and De Morgan's Laws #qpl-session08-talk1-ozawa youtube link pdf
Samson Abramsky and Rui Soares Barbosa. Partial boolean algebras and the logical exclusivity principle #qpl-session08-talk2-barbosa youtube link pdf
Andre Kornell. Quantum predicate logic with equality #qpl-session08-talk3-kornell youtube link pdf
16:30 - 18:00 Session #9 (Domain/Type) Chair: Vladimir Zamdzhiev
Andre Kornell, Bert Lindenhovius and Michael Mislove. Quantum CPOs #qpl-session09-talk1-lindenhovius youtube link pdf
Robert Rand, Aarthi Sundaram, Kartik Singhal and Brad Lackey. Gottesman Types for Quantum Programs #qpl-session09-talk2-rand youtube link pdf
Kartik Singhal and John Reppy. Quantum Hoare Type Theory #qpl-session09-talk3-kartik youtube link pdf
10:00 - 11:00 Plenary Speaker #4 Chair: Shane Mansfield

Cyril Branciard. Quantum circuits with classical versus quantum control of causal orders #qpl-plenary4-branciard youtube link

A standard model for quantum computers is that of quantum circuits, where quantum gates are applied to some quantum systems one after the other, in a well-defined order. It has however been realized in the last decade that quantum theory also allows for quantum operations to be applied in some indefinite order: the paradigmatic example being the so-called « quantum switch », where the state of a « control qubit » controls the order of two operations applied on a « target system ». Here we generalize the idea of the quantum switch; we describe and characterize new classes of quantum circuits, with both classical and quantum control of causal orders. This allows us to investigate new types of quantum processes with indefinite causal order and their potential applications, beyond the quantum switch.

11:30 - 13:00 Session #10 (QC 1) Chair: Stefano Gogioso
Robert Booth and Damian Markham. Flow Conditions for Continuous Variable Measurement-based Quantum Computing #qpl-session10-talk1-booth youtube link pdf
Arianne Meijer - van de Griend and Ross Duncan. Architecture-aware synthesis of phase polynomials for NISQ devices #qpl-session10-talk2-meijer youtube link pdf
Michal Sedlak and Mario Ziman. Perfect probabilistic storage and retrieval of phase gates #qpl-session10-talk3-sedlak youtube link pdf
14:30 - 16:00 Session #11 (QC 2) Chair: Peter Selinger
Hector Miller-Bakewell, Miriam Backens, Giovanni de Felice, John van de Wetering and Leo Lobski. There and back again: A circuit extraction tale #qpl-session11-talk1-lobski youtube link pdf
Konstantinos Meichanetzidis, Aleks Kissinger and Niel de Beaudrap. Tensor Network Rewriting Strategies for Satisfiability and Counting #qpl-session11-talk2-meichanetzidis youtube link pdf
Matthew Amy, Andrew N. Glaudell and Neil J. Ross. Number-Theoretic Characterizations of Some Restricted Clifford+T Circuits #qpl-session11-talk3-ross youtube link pdf
16:30 - 18:00 Session #12 (Contexts) Chair: Shane Mansfield
Nikola Andrejić and Ravi Kunjwal. Joint measurability structures realizable with qubit measurements: incompatibility via marginal surgery #qpl-session12-talk1-andrejic youtube link pdf
Farid Shahandeh. Contextuality of general probabilistic theories #qpl-session12-talk2-shahandeh youtube link pdf
Mehdi Mhalla and Sacha Huriot. Contextuality and Expressivity of Non-locality #qpl-session12-talk3-huriot youtube link pdf
10:00 - 11:00 Plenary Speaker #5 Chair: Benoît Valiron
Quanlong Wang. Enter a visual era: process theory embodied in ZX-calculus #qpl-plenary5-wang youtube link
11:30 - 13:00 Session #13 (ZX 1) Chair: Miriam Backens
Niel de Beaudrap. Well-tempered ZX and ZH calculi #qpl-session13-talk1-debeaudrap youtube link pdf
Titouan Carette, Simon Perdrix and Dominic Horsman. SZX-calculus: Scalable Graphical Quantum Reasoning #qpl-session13-talk2-carette youtube link pdf
Quanlong Wang. An algebraic axiomatisation of ZX-calculus [Video to come soon] #qpl-session13-talk3-wang pdf
14:30 - 16:00 Session #14 (Mathematical Formalism) Chair: TBA
Kenta Cho, Bas Westerbaan and John van de Wetering. Dichotomy between deterministic and probabilistic models in countably additive effectus theory #qpl-session14-talk1-vandewetering youtube link pdf
Jan Paseka and Thomas Vetterlein. Hilbert spaces reduced to their orthogonality relation #qpl-session14-talk2-vetterlein youtube link pdf
Laurent Poinsot. Hilbertian Frobenius algebras (Extended Abstract) #qpl-session14-talk3-poinsot youtube link pdf
16:30 - 18:00 Session #15 (ZX 2) Chair: Ross Duncan
Anthony Munson, Bob Coecke and Quanlong Wang. AND-gates in ZX-calculus: spider nest identities and QBC-completeness #qpl-session15-talk1-wang youtube link pdf
Louis Lemonnier, Aleks Kissinger and John van de Wetering. Hypergraph simplification: Linking the path-sum approach to the ZH-calculus #qpl-session15-talk2-lemonnier youtube link pdf
Cole Comfort. The ZX& calculus: A complete graphical calculus for classical circuits using spiders #qpl-session15-talk3-comfort youtube link pdf